Southside Atlanta Lawyer, Specializing in Tax Sale Foreclosures, Estate Planning, & Probate Proceedings

By working with McCullough Law, you get more than professional legal representation. You get Results with Respect: respect for you, your time, your stress of the situation, and your hard earned money that is on the line.
What We Provide

At McCullough Law, we regularly specialize in Tax Deed Foreclosure law, focusing on Excess Funds recovery for homeowners, along with Tax Deed Redemption, Barment, & Quiet Titles. My prior experience working on behalf of local county and city governments in their defense has given me a unique advantage of knowing how the process works and how to get the job done correctly, and yet efficiently, for your claim and case. This is definitely not the area of law where time is on your side. Let me and my team do the heavy lifting for you.
McCullough Law has a team of experts ready to advise our clients on Corporate Law related matters in the Metro Atlanta area. We have completed multi-million dollar professional business acquisitions, but yet helped sell the mom & pop enterprise that your friends & family know by name. It’s not always about how many signatures it takes. Sometimes it’s more about listening to you and what you really want from the deal. We extend our legal experiences to serve clients of all types and sizes. Give us a call now.

We’ve been practicing Personal Injury Law for years, with successful cases one after the other. Do you know exactly what to do? Who to talk to? Will they even call you back? Did you fill out the correct form? Our Metro Atlanta area clients can count on our Personal Injury experience to manage the legal process, and even that dreadful insurance process, as respectfully and efficiently as possible to achieve a win.
McCullough Law has been advising on a variety of Probate Law and Estate planning matters in all counties around Metro Atlanta. Do you have a Last Will & Testament? Think it’s too much to think about? Have you thought about who gets to decide once you’re gone? At our firm, this area of law is uniquely personal, because I know for a fact that it will come to pass to both you and I. Let me help you think through how to best help your family, your friends, and the ones for whom you care the most. Don’t let time creep up on you until it’s too late.
Wether it’s a Will, Financial Power of Attorney, or Advanced Medical Directive (aka: Living Will), this is my way of helping you as well those who cherish your life, health, & dignity.
Maybe you have a loved one who needs more help than you can legally give? Has an entity told you that you should try to obtain a Guardianship over an adult who can no longer care for themselves like they used to? We do that, too. For instance, it can be extremely hard on you to have the role reversal of caring for a parent as you would a child. And when the government or Dr.’s office doesn’t listen to you even though you have their best interest at heart… how frustrating! Thankfully, I’ve been consulting and completing these situations for clients for years with great success.
Give me a call today and see how I can help you help them.

Let’s be real. I’m an attorney and my job is to help you by & through following the law. Many times it all makes sense. Many times it doesn’t. In the area of Constitutional Law I would be remiss if I wasn’t willing to stand up for your rights as an American Citizen and a citizen of the great state of Georgia.
Something happen that just doesn’t seem right? Has the government failed in meeting its duty to uphold the law as written?
Frequently I remind people that not only do we have laws, but better yet we have laws on how to remove and replace bad laws for better laws. Let me be that attorney to help you trust in this great Constitutional Republic once again.
If you want to learn how our team can help you, get in touch today.

Experienced Legal Counsel
McCullough Law is providing the Metro Atlanta area with unparalleled legal services and litigation in the areas of
: Tax Sale Foreclosures: Tax Deeds, : Tax Deed Redemptions: Barments of Redemption: Quiet Titles, : Probate & Estate Planning: Guardianships & Adoptions: Business Acquisitions and Sales: Lease Reviews & Negotiations: Constitutional Law.
As one of those non-traditional law students who came from the professional workforce before heading off to law school, I had the hindsight and insight of applying my business strategy, negotiating, & legal compliance experiences to help mold what kind of attorney I wanted to become. Before law school, I chose to obtain a BA degree in Human Resources from Harding Univeristy where I applied the law to the business world. Then, after traveling all through North America for my business profession I decided to get my paralegal certification from Emory University. Even during my education there I already began to work as a paralegal with Maddox & Harding, helping to handle just about anything and everyone who walked through the front door needing legal guidance and a strong legal mind. But it wasn’t enough. I wanted to affirmatively help make the difference in peoples’ lives and not merely draft and read the papers that did. So I went to law school, interned at the State Bar of Georgia as well as kept my paralegal position at Maddox & Harding, passed the Bar Exam on the first attempt, and never looked back. I have up until this new venture enjoyed a wonderful, educational, and long tenure with the family of Foster, Foster, & Smith, focusing on the representation and legal counsel to Tax Commissioners and their Offices regarding all areas of Tax Sale Foreclosures & Land Banks. I was “that guy” on the Courthouse steps auctioning off those tax delinquent homes. But now my fulfillment & connection to you as my client is on a whole new level!
Whether you need technical legal consultation or the handling of a full blown court case, our team will walk you through every step, taking care of both you and any issues you may have along the way. With McCullough Law, rest assured you can feel comfortable, safe, and confident knowing that your case is in the best hands.
McCullough Law, giving you Results with Respect!
Get in touch with us today — we look forward to hearing from you.

M-F: 9am-5pm

Mailing Address:
805 S. Glynn Street
Suite: 127
PMB: 423
Fayetteville, GA 30214
(678) 590-2272